

With the increasing rate of ransomware, the need to protect files and networks have become essential. Especially if as a company you store a lot of data on your server and you transfer a lot of data also. Both your server and information transfer process needs to be secured to guard against ransomware.

What is ransomware? Ransomware is a malicious software designed in such a way that it can block off vital information until a certain sum of money is paid.

A ransomware situation occurs when information or part of an information is being hijacked and you are asked to pay a ransom in order to retrieve such vital information.

The question then arises, in order to mitigate a ransom situation from occurring what can you do?

5 ways to protect your network from ransomware

As an information technology security expert in an organisation, you can help in the following ways:

  1. Educate others about ransomware: The first step to solution or prevention of it is the actualization of its existence, how to identify it, how to prevent it and what to do when they feel they are under such attack.
  2. Have a backup of critical files: As a rule, ensure all your files have backup copies so that in case any of your information is under attack, you can easily retrieve such from your backup files.
  3. Check out: How to save your crypto wallets from hackers
  4. Segment your network: Breaking your information flow or transfer process is necessary in case any of your information is under attack such an attack cannot go past such segment.
  5. Ensuring extra security for devices and information: While knowing what to do and not to do is good, knowing which link to click or not is also good, it is advisable to also ensure that all devices that access information and servers are well encrypted and secured.
  6. Delete suspicious files: if you suspect a file is under attack, delete such immediately to avoid further spread of the attack.

Incidences of ransomware are increasing at an alarming rate, I hope I have been able to help you figure out ways to protect your files. If yes drop a comment

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