Computer Network Protocols… What it is and how it works
Network protocols is a word I’m sure you have heard in use among diverse technology professionals. In this article, I will try to explain what it is and some of the network protocols employed by information systems.
Let’s start with Computer Networks. This simply put is a set of interconnected devices such as workstations, printers, mobile devices. Keep in mind that interconnectedness is not subject to all these devices being in the same physical location, as location is not a barrier considering the current advancement in technology. The second word protocol is a set of established rules that drives standardization. So, we can define computer network protocols as a set of standardized rules that drive communication among interconnected computer devices.
There are quite a number of groups that over the years have both defined and published different computer network protocol standards. Some of these groups are:
· International Organization for Standardization
· The institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
· The world wide web consortium
· The Internet Research Task Force
List of Internet Protocols
There are quite a number of protocols that drive communication over networks like I mentioned earlier in the article, some of them will be listed and explained below
1. File Transfer Protocol (FTP): The File Transfer Protocol is a set of rules or standards that drives the transfer of files between interconnected devices on the internet. This protocol utilizes port 21.
2. Secure Shell (SSH): The secure shell protocol is a cryptographic network protocol that enforces security over an otherwise unsecure network. This protocol utilizes port 22.
3. Telnet: This is an unsecure protocol that can be used to initiate terminal-based bi-directional communication between devices. It utilizes port 23.
4. Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP): This is a protocol used by mail servers to both send and receive emails between interacting parties. It utilizes port 25.
5. Domain Name System (DNS): This is a protocol used to resolve hostnames to their corresponding ipaddress. It utilizes port 53.
6. HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP): The protocol was designed to transfer hypermedia documents such as HTML documents between web servers and browsers. It utilizes port 80.
7. Post Office Protocol (POP3): This protocol is used by email clients to retrieve emails from an email server. It utilizes port 110.
8. Network Time Protocol (NTP): This is a protocol used for synchronizing client machine time within a network. It utilizes port 123.
9. Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP): This protocol contains a set of rules that defines how messages are accessed in an email box. It utilizes port 143.
10. HTTP Secure (HTTPS): This is quite explicit referencing the above-defined HTTP protocol. This protocol ensures security in the transmission of hypermedia. It utilizes port 443.
11. Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP): This protocol provides a graphical interface to connect to a desktop or an application domiciled on a remote host. It utilizes port 3389.
I hope this brief list has enlightened you about network protocols, what they are and how they work.